Relief Maps

Hiking : Тропа Темиар

Україна Автономна Республіка Крим Ялтинский городской совет

Map of the trail for Тропа Темиар




12.479 km


1139.0 m

This extremely difficult out-and-back hiking route takes you through the picturesque area of Тропа Темиар. The trail spans a total distance of 12.479 kilometers with an elevation gain of 1139 meters, making it a challenging but rewarding trek for experienced hikers.

As you begin your journey, you'll come across the Сероводородный родник spring located right at the start of the trail, offering a refreshing pitstop to fill up your water bottles. Further along the route, at the 2.63 kilometer mark, you'll find the Под секвойями spring, known for its serene surroundings under the sequoia trees.

Midway through the hike, at the 5.19 kilometer mark, you'll reach the stunning peak of Турла-Кая, offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Be sure to take a moment to soak in the breathtaking scenery before continuing on your trek.

Towards the end of the trail, at the 6.24 kilometer mark, you'll encounter the Кизил-Кая-Богаз saddle, although slightly off the trail, it's worth the detour for its unique geological features.

Throughout the hike, you'll also come across various viewpoints such as ЕАТY and other natural springs like Бабу-Корыто. These are perfect spots to rest, refuel, and appreciate the beauty of the area.

Remember to pack plenty of water, snacks, and appropriate gear for this challenging hike. Check the weather forecast before embarking on your adventure and make sure to respect the natural surroundings. With its diverse points of interest and challenging terrain, the Тропа Темиар trail promises a memorable outdoor experience for avid hikers.

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