Relief Maps

Hiking : Crêt des Mouches

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie Talloires-Montmin

Map of the trail for Crêt des Mouches




9.385 km


848.0 m

This challenging hiking route will take you to the scenic Crêt des Mouches in the beautiful natural surroundings of the area. The total distance of the hike is 9.385 kilometers with an elevation gain of 848 meters, so be prepared for a strenuous adventure that will test your endurance.

Starting from the parking area, you will embark on a journey that will lead you through lush forests and rugged terrain. Along the way, you will encounter various points of interest such as the Cabane d'Arclosan wilderness hut, offering a place to rest and take in the serene surroundings.

As you continue on, you'll come across ruins of historic significance, adding a touch of mystery to your hike. The Croix de l'Arclosan wayside cross is a noteworthy landmark that you will pass by, providing a glimpse into the area's cultural heritage.

One of the highlights of the hike is the Crêt des Mouches peak, where you can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Make sure to take a moment to appreciate the stunning vistas before heading back on the same trail.

It is important to come prepared for this challenging hike by bringing plenty of water, snacks, and proper hiking gear. Additionally, check the weather forecast before setting out to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Overall, this out-and-back route offers a rewarding adventure for those looking to immerse themselves in nature and tackle a demanding trek in the heart of the area.

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