Relief Maps

Hiking : Trappe Loup - Lagorce

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Ardèche Lagorce

Map of the trail for Trappe Loup - Lagorce




5.983 km


106.0 m

This hiking route in the Trappe Loup - Lagorce area is a circular route with a total distance of 5.983 kilometers and an elevation gain of 106 meters. The estimated duration for this hike is around 1 hour and 21 minutes.

As you begin your hike, you can park your car at the "Parking de la petite vitesse" or the "Place de la Petite Vitesse" parking areas. Make sure to bring enough water and some snacks for the trail. Along the way, you'll find various restaurants like "Tradition & Co", "Otentic", and "Café Arnaud" where you can stop for a meal or a quick bite.

During your hike, you'll come across several points of interest such as benches for resting, bicycle parking areas, and informational points like "Les Faysses" and "Serre de Nicard". The viewpoints along the route offer stunning views of the surrounding landscape, so don't forget to bring your camera.

The trail is of moderate difficulty due to its length and elevation gain, so make sure to wear appropriate footwear and check the weather forecast before heading out. This circular route will lead you back to the starting point at "Trappe Loup" where you can enjoy a sense of accomplishment and the peaceful surroundings of Lagorce.

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