Relief Maps

Hiking : Spodnje Škofije - Spodnje Škofije


Map of the trail for Spodnje Škofije - Spodnje Škofije




1.394 km


34.0 m

This hiking route in Spodnje Škofije offers a super easy trek with a distance of 1.394 kilometers and an elevation gain of 34 meters. The total duration for this out-and-back trail is estimated to be around 24 minutes and 27 seconds.

As you begin your journey, you will come across a parking area conveniently located at the start of the trail. It is recommended to park your vehicle here before embarking on the hike. Along the way, at a distance of 0.63 kilometers from the start, you will find a water source where you can refill your water bottles and stay hydrated.

Further ahead, at the 0.7 kilometer mark, there is another water spot available for hikers. This provides another opportunity to rest and replenish your water supply before continuing on the trail.

It is important to note that although the trail is relatively short and easy, it is always advisable to carry an adequate amount of water, especially on warmer days. Additionally, checking the weather forecast before heading out is recommended to ensure a safe and enjoyable hiking experience.

Overall, this hiking route in Spodnje Škofije is perfect for beginners or those looking for a quick outdoor adventure in a scenic environment. Enjoy the tranquility of nature and the simplicity of this enjoyable trek.

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