Relief Maps

Hiking : Waldleininger Weg - Elmstein

Deutschland Rheinland-Pfalz Landkreis Bad Dürkheim Elmstein

Map of the trail for Waldleininger Weg - Elmstein




3.498 km


159.0 m

This hiking route, Waldleininger Weg in Elmstein, offers a beautiful trek through nature with various points of interest along the way. Starting at an elevation of 265 meters, you will follow the trail that spans approximately 3.5 kilometers with an elevation gain of 159 meters.

As you begin your journey, you will pass by Altschmelzklause, a water feature known for its scenic beauty, right at the start of the trail. Further along, you will come across Emil-Haupt-Brunnen, a natural spring where you can rest and replenish your water supply.

Throughout the hike, you will encounter several memorial sites such as Ritterstein Nr. 95 "Alte Schmelz" and Ritterstein Nr. 96 "Ins Legeltal," offering a glimpse into the historic significance of the area. For those interested in viewpoints, be sure to visit the viewpoints along the way, including one at a distance of 1 kilometer from the start.

Additionally, there are picnic sites scattered along the route where you can take a break and enjoy a meal amidst the serene surroundings. The trail also features the Trifterlebnispfad am Legelbach information point, providing insights into the local flora and fauna.

Due to the length and elevation gain of the hike, it is recommended to wear proper hiking gear, bring an adequate water supply, and check the weather forecast before embarking on this adventure. Whether you are a nature enthusiast or a history buff, Waldleininger Weg in Elmstein promises a rewarding outdoor experience.

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