Relief Maps

Hiking : Appenthal 1 km - Elmstein

Deutschland Rheinland-Pfalz Landkreis Bad Dürkheim Elmstein

Map of the trail for Appenthal 1 km - Elmstein




2.355 km


87.0 m

This hiking route in the beautiful area of Appenthal 1 km near Elmstein offers a circular trail that spans 23.55 kilometers in distance and includes an elevation gain of 87 meters. The estimated duration for completing this trail is approximately 36 minutes.

As you begin your journey, you will find convenient parking spaces in the area. Take a moment to admire the Dorfbrunnen fountain nearby before setting off on your hike. Along the way, you will come across informational points such as the Elmstein and Nordic Walking information centers, offering valuable insights into the area's history and activities.

For a scenic view, make sure to stop by the viewpoint located 1 kilometer away from the starting point. You will also find benches and wayside crosses scattered throughout the trail, providing resting spots and points of interest.

As you reach the end of the trail, you will encounter the Kuckucksbähnel-Endstation, where you can learn more about the local area. Satisfy your hunger with a visit to the Pfälzerwald-Verein Elmstein for some delicious food, or dine at the Gaststätte "Zum Rehfelsen" restaurant.

Before embarking on this hike, remember to bring an ample water supply, wear appropriate hiking gear, and check the weather forecast. Whether you are an experienced hiker looking for a moderate challenge or a beginner seeking a picturesque adventure, this hiking route in Appenthal 1 km near Elmstein promises a rewarding experience for all nature enthusiasts.

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