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Hiking : Екатериненская дорога - Екатериненская дорога - Зелёновское сельское поселение

Україна Автономна Республіка Крим Бахчисарайский район Зелёновское сельское поселение

Map of the trail for Екатериненская дорога - Екатериненская дорога - Зелёновское сельское поселение




13.636 km


1127.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the picturesque area of Ekaterinenskaya Doroga in Zelenovskoye rural settlement. With a total distance of 13.636 kilometers and an elevation gain of 1127 meters, this trail is rated as extremely difficult, so make sure you are prepared both physically and mentally for a challenging adventure.

Starting from the parking area at the trailhead, you will first come across the "Gorets" rock formation located 3.43 kilometers from the beginning of the trail. Continuing onwards, at the 6.31-kilometer mark, you will find a drinking water source named "Sukhoy" to refill your supplies.

As you progress further along the trail, you will encounter several points of interest including the "Yasha" rock at 2.46 kilometers, the "Fanni" rock at 3.87 kilometers, and the "Fliuk" rock at 4.36 kilometers. Additionally, there are historical memorials such as the "Memorial Partizanam" at 6.34 kilometers and the "Krest. 2000 Letiee Krescheniia" at 4.66 kilometers, providing insight into the area's rich past.

For a scenic viewpoint, make sure to stop by the "Rosadyyk V.V." monument 6.78 kilometers from the start of the trail, located a bit off the main path. Another great viewpoint is located at 3.21 kilometers, offering a breathtaking panorama of the surrounding landscape.

Along the way, you will also find benches like the one at 1.97 kilometers, perfect for taking a short break and enjoying the tranquility of the area. Remember to stay hydrated and pack enough water for the entire hike, as well as checking the weather forecast before setting off.

Overall, this out-and-back trail offers a challenging yet rewarding experience for hikers looking to explore the natural beauty and historical landmarks of the Ekaterinenskaya Doroga area.

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