Relief Maps

Hiking : Tofana di Mezzo

Italia Veneto Belluno

Map of the trail for Tofana di Mezzo




7.538 km


1220.0 m

This extremely difficult hiking route takes you to the stunning Tofana di Mezzo area. The trail spans 7.538 kilometers and features an elevation gain of 1220 meters, making it a challenging yet rewarding trek.

As you set out on the trail, you'll come across various points of interest. At the beginning of the hike, you'll find the Rifugio Angelo Dibona, an alpine hut where you can rest and refuel before continuing your journey. Further along the trail, about 0.92 kilometers in, you'll reach Rifugio Pomedes, another alpine hut offering accommodation and amenities for hikers.

While trekking through the picturesque landscape, keep an eye out for the Ferrata Giuseppe Olivieri a Punta Anna, a via ferrata that adds an exciting element to the hike. Additionally, you'll encounter the breathtaking peaks of Tofana di Mezzo and Punta Anna along the way, providing panoramic views of the surrounding area.

For those seeking an extra challenge, the Ferrata Gianni Aglio and Ferrata Gianni Aglio (deviazione per Torre Aglio) offer thrilling opportunities for more experienced climbers. These via ferratas are located approximately 3.1 kilometers and 2.74 kilometers from the start of the trail, respectively.

As you near the end of the hike, you'll reach the iconic Torre Aglio peak, offering a memorable spot to rest and enjoy the natural beauty of the Tofana di Mezzo area. Finally, on your way back, consider stopping at Angelo Debona restaurant for a well-deserved meal.

Before embarking on this demanding hike, be sure to pack plenty of water, snacks, and suitable gear. Check the weather forecast beforehand and always stay alert on the trail. With its challenging terrain and breathtaking scenery, the Tofana di Mezzo hiking route promises an unforgettable adventure for outdoor enthusiasts.

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