Relief Maps

Hiking : Refuge de Larrieux

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie

Map of the trail for Refuge de Larrieux




7.081 km


756.0 m

This hiking route takes you through a beautiful area with stunning alpine scenery. The trail is 7.081 kilometers long and has an elevation gain of 756 meters, making it a difficult hike that will challenge both your endurance and strength. It is estimated to take about 3 hours and 31 minutes to complete, so be sure to plan accordingly.

As you start your journey, you will come across the Pont De Montremont information point, located right at the beginning of the trail. Just a short distance away, you will find the Larrieux wayside cross, a historic site that adds a sense of intrigue to your hike.

About 3.09 kilometers into the trail, you will reach Larrieux, where you can find more information about the area. Continuing on, at 3.54 kilometers, you will come across the Chalet de Larrieux (Refuge), a cozy mountain shelter where you can take a break and enjoy the surroundings.

After reaching the 3.54-kilometer mark, the Refuge de Larrieux alpine hut awaits you, offering a place to rest and take in the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. This marks the end of the trail, where you can relax before turning back and retracing your steps.

Before embarking on this challenging hike, make sure to bring plenty of water, snacks, and proper hiking gear. Also, check the weather forecast to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience in the great outdoors.

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