Relief Maps

Hiking : Cascade de Grattepanche

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie Annecy

Map of the trail for Cascade de Grattepanche




3.362 km


156.0 m

This hiking route takes you through a beautiful area with stunning views and natural features. The trail is 3.362 kilometers long with an elevation gain of 156 meters, making it an easy hike suitable for all skill levels. The estimated duration for this hike is 1 hour and 10 minutes.

As you start your journey, you will come across a parking area just 0.0 kilometers from the trailhead, where you can leave your vehicle before embarking on the hike. Remember to pack plenty of water and snacks for the journey, as well as checking the weather forecast before heading out.

One of the highlights of the hike is the Cascade de Grattepanche, a beautiful waterfall located 1.68 kilometers from the start of the trail. Take some time to admire the cascading water and enjoy the peaceful surroundings before continuing on your hike.

Along the way, you may also come across a wayside cross located 1.25 kilometers from the start, adding a historic touch to your adventure. Additionally, there is an information point just 0.04 kilometers from the start where you can learn more about the area and its surroundings.

Overall, this out-and-back trail offers a leisurely hike through a picturesque landscape, with various points of interest to explore along the way. Don't forget to capture the memories and enjoy the journey as you make your way to the beautiful Cascade de Grattepanche.

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