Relief Maps

Hiking : Root

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Luzern Root

Map of the trail for Root




3.077 km


188.0 m

This hiking route in the Root area is an out-and-back trail with a total distance of 3.077 kilometers and an elevation gain of 188 meters. The estimated duration for this hike is around 55 minutes.

As you start your hike, you will find parking areas available nearby to leave your vehicle. Make sure to bring plenty of water and check the weather forecast before heading out.

Along the trail, you will come across different points of interest. The Reservoir Wies is one of the landmarks you will encounter, located about 1 kilometer into the hike. Additionally, there are picnic sites and benches for a comfortable break. A viewpoint is also available for you to enjoy beautiful scenery along the way.

The trail offers a moderate level of difficulty due to its length and elevation gain. It is important to wear appropriate hiking gear and footwear to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Enjoy the tranquil surroundings and natural beauty as you hike through the Root area. Whether you are a beginner or experienced hiker, this route offers a refreshing outdoor adventure for all nature enthusiasts.

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