Relief Maps

Hiking : Bürenstrasse

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Bern/Berne Verwaltungskreis Biel/Bienne

Map of the trail for Bürenstrasse




1.867 km


0.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the beautiful area of Bürenstrasse, offering a super easy trek that covers a distance of approximately 1.867 kilometers with no significant elevation gain.

As you start your journey, you will come across a parking area right at the beginning of the trail, making it convenient for you to park your vehicle before embarking on the hike. Continuing along the trail, at about 0.93 kilometers from the start, you will find a refreshing water source, providing a perfect opportunity to refill your water bottles and take a short break.

Since this hike is relatively short and easy, it is suitable for hikers of all levels. However, it is always advisable to come prepared with essentials such as water, snacks, appropriate footwear, and to check the weather forecast before heading out.

Whether you are a beginner looking for a leisurely walk or simply want to enjoy a peaceful nature adventure, this route along Bürenstrasse offers a pleasant outdoor experience. Enjoy the serene surroundings and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the area.

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