Relief Maps

Hiking : Ausblick Esthaler Vorstadt

Deutschland Rheinland-Pfalz Landkreis Bad Dürkheim Frankeneck

Map of the trail for Ausblick Esthaler Vorstadt




2.172 km


35.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route to Ausblick Esthaler Vorstadt! This trail offers a scenic adventure through the beautiful landscapes near Esthaler Vorstadt. The route is an out-and-back type, starting at coordinates 8.009375, 49.38285 and reaching the destination point at coordinates 7.995664, 49.386466.

As you begin your hike, you will come across the "Spitzer Stein" artwork, located at the beginning of the trail. This makes for a great spot to take in some local art before continuing on your journey. Further along the route, about 1 kilometer from the start, you will find a lovely viewpoint called "Ausblick Esthaler Vorstadt". This is a perfect place to stop, rest on the bench, and admire the stunning views of the surrounding area.

The total distance of this hike is 2.172 kilometers with an elevation gain of 35 meters. The duration of the hike is approximately 29 minutes. The trail is relatively easy in terms of difficulty, suitable for hikers of all levels.

Before embarking on this adventure, make sure to bring plenty of water, wear appropriate hiking shoes, and check the weather forecast. Enjoy your hike to Ausblick Esthaler Vorstadt and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the area!

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