Relief Maps

Hiking : Monte Banchetta

Italy Piedmont Torino

Map of the trail for Monte Banchetta




12.308 km


1139.0 m

This extremely difficult 12.308-kilometer circular hiking route will take you to the breathtaking Monte Banchetta area.

Starting off, you can explore the informative Parco Val Troncea right at the beginning of the trail. As you continue your journey, you will come across the charming Rifugio escursionistico Mulino di Laval alpine hut, which is a great spot to take a break and enjoy the stunning surroundings.

Further along the trail, about 4.32 kilometers away from the start, you will find La Tana della Volpe, a cozy restaurant where you can refuel with some delicious food.

Make sure to admire the picturesque views of Monte Banchetta, located around 5.88 kilometers from the start. Additionally, there are informative points along the way, such as Information points at distances of about 2.87 kilometers, 0.54 kilometers, and 0.37 kilometers from the start.

It's advisable to carry enough water and snacks for the hike as some points along the trail might be a bit far from amenities. Also, checking the weather forecast before heading out is recommended due to the challenging nature of the route, with an elevation gain of 1139 meters.

Overall, this hike offers a challenging yet rewarding experience for avid hikers looking to explore the Monte Banchetta area.

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