Relief Maps

Hiking : salon - salon

Italia Veneto Belluno

Map of the trail for salon - salon




8.306 km


1001.0 m

This challenging hiking route in the salon - salon area offers stunning views and a rewarding experience for outdoor enthusiasts. The trail spans a distance of 8.306 kilometers with an elevation gain of 1001 meters, making it a difficult trek that requires good physical condition.

As you begin your journey, you will come across a parking area conveniently located at the starting point of the trail. Be sure to park your vehicle here before embarking on your hike. The first point of interest along the trail is the WelcomeTravel travel agency, located just 0.05 kilometers from the start. While not directly on the trail, this spot offers a unique attraction for visitors to explore.

Continuing on the trail, you will encounter a rock formation approximately 4.15 kilometers from the starting point. This natural landmark provides a picturesque backdrop for hikers to admire as they make their way through the rugged terrain. Additionally, at the 4.05 kilometer mark, you will reach the Croda peak, offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

Throughout the hike, it is essential to stay hydrated and pack an ample water supply, especially given the length and difficulty of the trail. Be sure to check the weather forecast before setting out to ensure a safe and enjoyable outdoor adventure.

Whether you are a seasoned hiker looking for a challenge or a nature enthusiast seeking breathtaking views, this hiking route in the salon - salon area promises an unforgettable experience. So lace up your boots, grab your gear, and immerse yourself in the beauty of the great outdoors on this exciting out-and-back trail.

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