Relief Maps

Hiking : Punto Essa

Italia Veneto Belluno Auronzo di Cadore

Map of the trail for Punto Essa




12.186 km


1168.0 m

This hiking route starts in a beautiful area surrounded by stunning alpine landscapes. You will begin your journey at an elevation of 1390 meters at Punto Essa and make your way towards the destination of the same name, located at 2568 meters. The total distance of the route is 12.186 kilometers with an elevation gain of 1168 meters, making it a moderately challenging hike.

As you make your way along the trail, you will come across several points of interest. At the beginning of the hike, you will pass by Rifugio "Capanna degli Alpini", an alpine hut where you can take a break and enjoy the mountain views. Further along the route, you will also encounter Rifugio Pietro Galassi, another alpine hut where you can rest and refuel.

Along the way, you will also find useful amenities such as parking areas, information points, a wayside cross, benches, and drinking water sources to keep you hydrated. As you continue your ascent, you will reach Forcella del Ghiacciaio, a saddle point with breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.

One of the highlights of this hike is reaching Punto Essa, a scenic viewpoint located 6 kilometers from the starting point. Here, you can take in panoramic views of the alpine landscape and capture memorable moments.

Before embarking on this hike, make sure to bring plenty of water, snacks, and appropriate hiking gear. It is also advisable to check the weather forecast beforehand and to inform someone about your hiking plans for safety purposes. Enjoy the spectacular views and the tranquility of the mountains on this memorable hiking adventure.

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