Relief Maps

Hiking : Kasseler Straße - Frankfurt am Main

Germany Hesse Frankfurt

Map of the trail for Kasseler Straße - Frankfurt am Main




0.678 km


0.0 m

This hiking route in the Kasseler Straße area of Frankfurt am Main is a super easy circular trail spanning approximately 0.678 kilometers with no elevation gain.

As you begin your journey, you'll come across various points of interest along the way. At the start of the trail, there is a water source located 0.27 kilometers from the beginning. You'll also find a bicycle parking area at the beginning of the trail.

Further along the route, about 0.1 kilometers in, you'll encounter a paid parking area. Additionally, there are several restaurants and cafes nearby, perfect for a quick bite to eat or a refreshing drink while admiring the surroundings.

Remember to bring water and check the weather forecast before heading out on this short and leisurely hike. With benches scattered along the trail, you'll have plenty of opportunities to take a break and enjoy the scenic views.

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