Relief Maps

Hiking : Tête Pelouse

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Savoie

Map of the trail for Tête Pelouse




9.993 km


1065.0 m

This challenging hiking route takes you through the stunning area surrounding Tête Pelouse. The trail begins at Parking des Confins and winds its way through beautiful scenery, offering impressive views along the way. Be sure to visit Chapelle des Confins, a historic wayside shrine located just 0.53 kilometers from the start of the trail. As you continue on, you will come across La Grande Torche, a natural peak situated 4.75 kilometers into the hike. Make sure to take in the breathtaking views from this vantage point.

The highlight of the hike is reaching Tête Pelouse, another natural peak located 5 kilometers from the start of the trail. This is a perfect spot to rest and enjoy the panoramic views before heading back along the same route.

This 9.993-kilometer out-and-back hike features an elevation gain of 1065 meters, making it a difficult but rewarding trek for experienced hikers. Be sure to bring plenty of water, snacks, and sturdy footwear. Check the weather forecast before setting out, as conditions can change quickly in the mountains.

Overall, this hike offers a challenging yet unforgettable experience for those willing to take on the adventure. Enjoy the journey and the stunning views that Tête Pelouse has to offer.

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