Relief Maps

Hiking : Windgällenhütte

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Uri Bristen

Map of the trail for Windgällenhütte




11.904 km


1190.0 m

This hiking route will take you through the stunning area surrounding Windgällenhütte. The trail is an out-and-back route that spans a distance of 11.9 kilometers with an elevation gain of 1190 meters, so be prepared for a moderate to challenging hike.

You will start your journey at the trailhead located at coordinates 8.711888, 46.766356. As you make your way along the path, you will come across several points of interest. Within the first few kilometers, you will find an information point and shelters for resting. Further along the trail, after approximately 2 kilometers, you will reach Golzeren Bergstation, where you can gather more information about the area.

Along the route, you will also encounter facilities such as drinking water sources and benches for taking a break. Plan your stops accordingly as you hike towards the beautiful Golzerensee, located 3 kilometers from the starting point. This picturesque lake is a perfect spot to rest and take in the scenic views.

As you continue on, you will reach Seewen, another information point, and Windgällenhütte, your final destination. This alpine hut is located at an elevation of 2025 meters and offers a place to rest and refuel before you head back the way you came.

Before embarking on this hike, make sure to bring plenty of water, snacks, and appropriate hiking gear. It's also advisable to check the weather forecast beforehand and wear sturdy hiking boots for the trail's varying terrain.

Overall, this hike offers a rewarding adventure through the Swiss Alps, with stunning views and interesting points of interest along the way. Enjoy your journey to Windgällenhütte!

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