Relief Maps

Hiking : A5 - A5

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Bern/Berne Verwaltungskreis Biel/Bienne

Map of the trail for A5 - A5




3.45 km


0.0 m

This easy 3.45-kilometer circular hiking route around A5 offers a relaxing outdoor experience. Starting at the parking area near the trail entrance, hikers can easily access the trailhead. Along the way, you'll find a convenient bench about 0.68 kilometers from the start, perfect for a quick rest or enjoying the surrounding scenery.

Approximately 1.59 kilometers into the hike, you'll come across multiple water sources where you can refill your water bottle and freshen up. These water points are located nearby, making them easily accessible for hikers.

Overall, this hike is relatively flat with no elevation gain, suitable for hikers of all skill levels. Remember to bring plenty of water, wear comfortable shoes, and check the weather forecast before heading out. Enjoy the peaceful surroundings and take your time to appreciate the natural beauty along the way.

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