Relief Maps

Hiking : Byfangstrasse

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Bern/Berne Verwaltungskreis Biel/Bienne

Map of the trail for Byfangstrasse




0.51 km


0.0 m

This hiking route in the Byfangstrasse area is a super easy, circular trail covering a distance of 0.51 kilometers with no elevation gain. Before embarking on this scenic hike, make sure to bring water and check the weather forecast.

Along the way, you will come across several points of interest. At the beginning of the trail, you will find "Restaurant Zentrum" where you can stop for a meal. Further ahead, around the midway point, there is a water source for you to refill your bottles. Additionally, there are benches along the route where you can take a rest and enjoy the surroundings.

Parking is available both at the start of the trail and near the midway point if you prefer to drive to the area. Remember to park responsibly and follow any parking regulations.

Overall, this leisurely hike is perfect for beginners or those looking for a quick outdoor getaway. Enjoy the tranquility of nature and make the most of the amenities along the way.

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