Relief Maps

Hiking : Ancienne Route de Thônes

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie

Map of the trail for Ancienne Route de Thônes




4.04 km


339.0 m

Welcome to the Ancienne Route de Thônes hiking route! This moderate 4.04 km trail offers a pleasant outdoor experience with a total elevation gain of 339 meters. The estimated duration for this hike is about 1 hour and 46 minutes, so be prepared for a moderate trek.

Starting at the designated trailhead, you will pass by several parking areas within the vicinity, making it convenient for hikers to begin their journey. As you make your way along the trail, you'll also come across various amenities such as bars, restaurants, drinking water stations, and even a fountain for your convenience. Don't forget to carry an ample supply of water and snacks to keep you energized throughout the hike.

Approximately 0.95 km into the trail, you'll encounter a bench where you can take a brief rest and enjoy the surrounding scenery. Further along, at around 1.85 km, there is a picnic site called La Table Ronde, offering a great spot to pause and have a meal amidst nature.

For those interested in attractions, keep an eye out for Le Nouveau Roi located 1.89 km from the start, as well as viewpoints like Le Petit Chalet along the way. Additionally, informational points such as Bois du Mont provide insights into the local area's history and flora.

Before embarking on this hiking adventure, be sure to check the weather forecast and wear appropriate footwear for the trail conditions. Whether you're a beginner or experienced hiker, the Ancienne Route de Thônes offers a delightful outdoor experience for all nature enthusiasts. Enjoy the journey!

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