Relief Maps

Hiking : Lettstädter Höhe

Deutschland Baden-Württemberg Ortenaukreis

Map of the trail for Lettstädter Höhe




5.943 km


258.0 m

This hiking route takes you to the picturesque Lettstädter Höhe area, offering stunning views and a moderate level of difficulty. The trail spans a distance of 5.943 kilometers with an elevation gain of 258 meters, making it a perfect option for a half-day adventure.

Along the way, you'll encounter several points of interest. At the beginning of the trail, you'll come across the Miliz-Brunnen drinking water source, ensuring you stay hydrated throughout your journey. Further into the hike, you'll reach Lettstädter Hütte, a shelter located 2.68 kilometers from the start, providing a resting spot for hikers.

As you continue your ascent, Mülbensattel will greet you at the midway point of the trail. This shelter serves as a great place to take a break and enjoy the surrounding views. Additionally, benches are strategically placed along the route, offering hikers a chance to relax and take in the beauty of the Lettstädter Höhe area.

For those interested in history, boundary stones and informational points can be found along the trail, providing insight into the region's past. Picnic sites are also available 2.68 kilometers from the start, offering a perfect place to enjoy a meal amidst nature.

Upon reaching Lettstädter Höhe, located 2.97 kilometers from the start, you'll be rewarded with panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. This peak is a natural highlight of the hike and a great spot for taking in the beauty of the Lettstädter Höhe region.

Before embarking on this adventure, ensure you come prepared with plenty of water, snacks, and appropriate hiking gear. Check the weather forecast beforehand and be mindful of the moderate difficulty level of the trail. Whether you're a seasoned hiker or looking for a new outdoor experience, the Lettstädter Höhe hike offers a rewarding journey through the scenic German countryside.

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