Relief Maps

Hiking : Annahütte

Deutschland Baden-Württemberg Landkreis Freudenstadt Bad Rippoldsau-Schapbach

Map of the trail for Annahütte




4.388 km


284.0 m

This hiking route takes you through a beautiful area with stunning views and natural surroundings. The trail is a circular route with a total distance of 4.4 kilometers and an elevation gain of 284 meters. It is estimated to take about 1 hour and 20 minutes to complete.

Starting at the parking area near the coordinates 8.315998, 48.43594, you will begin your journey into the wilderness. The first point of interest you will come across is the Annahütte shelter, which is located 2 kilometers from the start of the trail. This is a great spot to take a break and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.

As you continue on, you will pass by a water point before reaching the viewpoint at the Annahütte, where you can take in panoramic views of the area. From there, you will come across various information points such as the Bad Rippoldsau Alter Kaffeegarten and the Bad Rippoldsau Kurzentrum.

Further along the trail, you will find the Rehgeissennest and Badwaldhütte information points, providing insight into the local area. Be sure to stop by the Villa Sommerberg for more information before completing the loop.

The destination of this hike is the Annahütte, located at coordinates 8.302272, 48.433557, at an elevation of 861 meters. This is a great spot to relax and enjoy the natural beauty of the surroundings before heading back to the starting point.

As with any hike, make sure to bring plenty of water, wear appropriate footwear, and check the weather forecast before embarking on your journey. This trail is of moderate difficulty due to its length and elevation gain, so be prepared for a challenge. Enjoy your hike and take in the beauty of nature along the way!

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