Relief Maps

Hiking : Combe Ravier - Le Gua

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère Le Gua

Map of the trail for Combe Ravier - Le Gua




5.932 km


481.0 m

This hiking route will take you through the beautiful area of Combe Ravier - Le Gua. The total distance of the route is 5.932 kilometers with an elevation gain of 481 meters, making it a moderate difficulty hike.

You will start your journey at the parking area near the starting coordinates (5.596524, 44.989807, 1149m). From there, you will head towards Col de l'Arzelier, a saddle point located at the beginning of the trail. This is a great spot to take in the surrounding views before continuing on your adventure.

As you make your way along the route, you will come across various points of interest such as La Marmotte, a fast food establishment where you can refuel and Les Agapes de l'Arzelier, a restaurant where you can stop for a meal. Additionally, you will find information points like Office du tourisme and Les Anémones where you can learn more about the area.

Further along the trail, you will reach Pré du Playnet, another information point, and a couple of viewpoints where you can enjoy stunning vistas of the landscape. These spots are perfect for taking a break and capturing some photos.

Remember to bring an ample water supply, wear appropriate hiking gear, and check the weather forecast before embarking on this hike. With its diverse points of interest and moderate difficulty level, this route offers a rewarding outdoor experience for hikers of all levels. Enjoy your journey through Combe Ravier - Le Gua!

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