Relief Maps

Hiking : Історична вулиця - Кам’янське

Україна Дніпропетровська область Кам’янське

Map of the trail for Історична вулиця - Кам’янське




1.183 km


0.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route at Історична вулиця - Кам’янське! This route offers a super easy hike with a total distance of 1.183 kilometers and no significant elevation gain.

At the beginning of the trail, you will find a parking area, so you can easily leave your vehicle before starting your adventure. Approximately midway through the hike, at 0.47 kilometers from the starting point, there are water sources available, including a fountain for you to refill your bottles and stay hydrated.

As you continue along the trail, at 0.57 kilometers from the start, you will come across another water source, ensuring you have access to clean water throughout your hike.

At 0.59 kilometers from the start, there is an attraction called "Колесо огляду" (Ferris Wheel), which could be a great spot to take a break and enjoy the surroundings, even though it's slightly off the trail.

Furthermore, at 0.21 kilometers from the start, you will find a restaurant named "Дача" where you can grab a meal or a snack after completing the hike.

Remember to bring enough water, as the trail does not offer any significant elevation changes that would require additional energy. It's also recommended to check the weather forecast before heading out to ensure a safe and enjoyable hiking experience.

Enjoy your hike at Історична вулиця - Кам’янське!

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Історична вулиця - Кам’янське

thumbnail for Історична вулиця - Кам’янське

Історична вулиця - Кам’янське

thumbnail for Історична вулиця - Кам’янське

Історична вулиця - Кам’янське

thumbnail for Історична вулиця - Кам’янське

Історична вулиця - Кам’янське