Relief Maps

Hiking : Genussplatz am Oberer Zinken

Deutschland Baden-Württemberg Landkreis Freudenstadt Baiersbronn

Map of the trail for Genussplatz am Oberer Zinken




4.79 km


190.0 m

This hiking route takes you on a scenic journey through the beautiful area surrounding Genussplatz am Oberer Zinken. The trail is an out-and-back route with a total distance of 4.79 kilometers and an elevation gain of 190 meters.

You can start your hike at the parking area located at the coordinates 8.36122, 48.537237. Make sure to pack plenty of water and snacks for the trip. As you begin your hike, you'll come across the Blockhütte restaurant, where you can grab a meal or a quick snack before continuing on your journey.

Along the way, you'll pass by a parking area named Waldparkplatz, where you can leave your car if needed. Further on, you'll reach a viewpoint called Genussplatz am Oberer Zinken, offering stunning views of the surrounding countryside. This is a great spot to take a break and enjoy the scenery.

As you make your way back, you'll pass by a bench where you can rest and take in the surroundings. You'll also come across informational points, such as the Bombenkrater aus dem 2. Weltkrieg, where you can learn more about the area's history.

Overall, this hike offers a moderate level of difficulty due to its length and elevation gain. Be sure to check the weather forecast before heading out and wear appropriate footwear. Enjoy your hike to Genussplatz am Oberer Zinken!

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