Relief Maps

Hiking : Intschi

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Uri Intschi

Map of the trail for Intschi




8.494 km


947.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the picturesque area of Intschi, known for its beautiful landscapes and natural beauty. The trail is an out-and-back type, starting at the coordinates 8.649079, 46.760529 and ending at 8.637668, 46.77363. The total distance of the hike is 8.494 kilometers with an elevation gain of 947 meters.

As you begin your hike, you will pass by various points of interest along the way. Starting off, you will come across Arnisee, a stunning natural water feature just 3 kilometers into the hike. There are also restaurants like Gasthaus Schäfli and Gasthaus Alpenblick nearby, where you can grab a bite to eat and refuel for the journey ahead.

Throughout the hike, you will encounter several information points such as Arnisee Bergstation and Hinter Arni, providing insights into the history and natural surroundings of the area. Be sure to take a moment to appreciate the viewpoints at spots like Wasserkraftwerke Leitschach und Arniberg for a breathtaking panoramic view of the surroundings.

For your convenience, there are parking lots available at various points along the route, such as at Arnisee and in Intschi. Additionally, picnic sites and benches are scattered throughout the trail, offering a perfect opportunity to rest and enjoy a meal or snacks.

Given the length and elevation gain of the hike, it is recommended to bring plenty of water, sturdy hiking shoes, and snacks to keep you energized. Always check the weather forecast before embarking on the hike and dress accordingly. With its diverse points of interest and stunning natural beauty, this hiking route in Intschi is sure to provide a memorable outdoor adventure for nature enthusiasts and hikers alike.

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