Relief Maps

Hiking : Oberer Fluhwitiweg

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Solothurn Amtei Thal-Gäu

Map of the trail for Oberer Fluhwitiweg




3.281 km


323.0 m

Welcome to the Oberer Fluhwitiweg hiking route! This moderate difficulty trail spans approximately 3.28 kilometers with an elevation gain of 323 meters, taking about 1 hour and 34 minutes to complete.

Located in a picturesque area, this route offers hikers a chance to enjoy the great outdoors while exploring some interesting points of interest along the way.

Starting at the trailhead, you will come across Alt Falkenstein Castle at the beginning of your hike, situated just 0.29 kilometers from the start. This historic site provides a glimpse into the past and offers a unique cultural experience.

Further along the trail at around 0.82 kilometers from the start, you will encounter climbing opportunities at Kluser Pfeiler, adding an adventurous element to your journey.

As you continue on, at approximately 1.36 kilometers, you'll reach a viewpoint providing stunning panoramic views, a perfect spot to take a break and appreciate the surroundings.

Throughout the hike, there are various facilities and amenities nearby, such as benches, information points, and even a restaurant at Burg just 0.31 kilometers from the trail.

Remember to bring an ample water supply, wear appropriate hiking gear, and check the weather forecast before embarking on this adventure. Whether you're a seasoned hiker or just starting, this route offers a delightful blend of nature, history, and exploration. Enjoy your hike on the Oberer Fluhwitiweg!

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