Relief Maps

Hiking : Relais Moucherotte - Claix

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère Claix

Map of the trail for Relais Moucherotte - Claix




4.712 km


633.0 m

This hiking route takes you to the beautiful area around Relais Moucherotte - Claix. The total distance of the route is 4.712 kilometers with an elevation gain of 633 meters, making it a moderately challenging hike.

As you start your journey, you will pass by some points of interest along the way. The first point of interest you will encounter is a parking area, where you can leave your car before starting the hike. As you continue, you will come across the ruins of Tremplin de ski; Rampe de lancement compétition ski, a historic ski jumping ramp.

Further along the route, about 2 kilometers in, you will find Abri du Moucherotte, a wilderness hut where you can take a break and enjoy the views. Nearby, you will also see the peak of Moucherotte, offering stunning viewpoints of the surrounding area.

As you trek onwards, you will pass by La Roche, Combe de l'Ours, Roc de Bataillon, and Sous le Moucherotte, all providing interesting information about the area. Make sure to stop and read the informational signs along the way to learn more about the region.

At about 4 kilometers into the hike, you will reach viewpoints such as Les Grandes Traversées du Vercors, a great spot to take in the scenic beauty of the landscape. You will also encounter a cave entrance named Boyau, adding a bit of adventure to your journey.

As you approach the end of the route, you will reach a saddle called La Cheminée, offering panoramic views of the surroundings. Finally, you will arrive at the destination of Relais Moucherotte - Claix, where you can rest and take in the breathtaking views before heading back along the same route.

Remember to bring plenty of water, snacks, and suitable hiking gear for this trek. Check the weather forecast before you go and make sure to stay on the marked trail at all times. Enjoy your hike in the beautiful area around Relais Moucherotte - Claix!

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