Relief Maps

Hiking : Croix de Quinsonas

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère La Tronche

Map of the trail for Croix de Quinsonas




2.032 km


205.0 m

This hiking route will take you through a beautiful area with stunning viewpoints and historical landmarks. The circular route starts at Croix de Quinsonas and covers a distance of 2032.0 kilometers with an elevation gain of 205.0 meters, taking approximately 44 minutes to complete.

You will begin your hike at the starting point near Croix de Quinsonas, where you can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. As you make your way along the trail, you will come across various points of interest such as Belvédère Vauban, a scenic viewpoint offering breathtaking views of the area.

Along the route, you will also pass by historic sites like the ruins of Père Gras and the Mémorial des troupes de montagne, providing insight into the region's past. Additionally, you will find amenities such as restaurants like Chez le Pèr' Gras and bars like La Terrasse for a quick refreshment.

For nature enthusiasts, there are natural attractions to explore like the Grotte de Mandrin caves and Mont Jalla peak. Information points such as Bureau d'Information Touristique Bastille provide valuable insights into the area's geography and history.

To make the most of your hiking experience, be sure to bring plenty of water, snacks, and a fully charged phone. It's also recommended to check the weather forecast before heading out to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey. Whether you're an avid hiker or just looking for a casual stroll, this route offers something for everyone to enjoy.

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