Relief Maps

Hiking : Route de Glapigny

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie

Map of the trail for Route de Glapigny




5.231 km


507.0 m

The Route de Glapigny offers a challenging hiking experience with a distance of approximately 5.231 kilometers and an elevation gain of 507 meters. The route is classified as difficult due to its length and elevation.

Starting at the designated parking area located right on the trail, hikers will embark on an out-and-back journey that showcases the beautiful landscapes of the area. Along the way, you will come across several points of interest to enhance your hiking experience.

Approximately 0.51 kilometers from the start, you will find "La ferme des Vônezins," a charming restaurant where you can take a break and enjoy some local cuisine. This spot is located off the trail, but worth the short detour.

As you continue on the trail, around 2.62 kilometers from the start, you will reach the "Croix de Colomban," a significant landmark offering insight into the history of the area. Nearby, at the same distance, there is also a viewpoint called "Viewpoint" that provides stunning views of the surrounding scenery.

Throughout the hike, make sure to stay hydrated and bring enough water, as well as snacks to keep your energy levels up. Additionally, it is advisable to check the weather forecast before starting your adventure to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Immerse yourself in nature and enjoy the challenge of the Route de Glapigny, taking in the breathtaking views and interesting points of interest along the way.

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