Relief Maps

Hiking : Route des Sources

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie

Map of the trail for Route des Sources




1.833 km


0.0 m

Welcome to the Route des Sources hiking route! This trail is located in a beautiful area surrounded by nature, with stunning views and peaceful atmosphere.

As you start your hike, you will come across a parking area just at the beginning of the trail, perfect for leaving your vehicle before embarking on this adventure. Make sure to have all necessary supplies with you, including water, snacks, and appropriate clothing for the weather.

Along the trail, you will encounter the picturesque Lac Vert, a lovely spot to take a break and enjoy the scenery. The lake is located approximately 0.92 kilometers from the start of the trail, providing a serene stop for hikers to relax and take in the surrounding beauty.

As you continue on the Route des Sources, you will find water sources along the way at various points, ensuring you have access to refreshment during your journey. These natural water spots are perfect for filling up your water bottle and staying hydrated as you explore the area.

With a total distance of 1.833 kilometers and no elevation gain, this hike is classified as super easy, suitable for hikers of all levels. It is a great option for a leisurely stroll in nature, providing a relaxing experience for those looking to unwind and reconnect with the outdoors.

Before setting out on your adventure, be sure to check the weather forecast and plan accordingly. Remember to stay on the designated trail and respect the natural surroundings to preserve this beautiful environment for future visitors.

Enjoy your hike on the Route des Sources, where tranquility and natural beauty await you at every turn!

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