Relief Maps

Hiking : Rifugio Costa Piana

Italia Veneto Belluno Pieve di Cadore

Map of the trail for Rifugio Costa Piana




6.712 km


695.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the picturesque area near Rifugio Costa Piana. The trail offers stunning views and a chance to immerse yourself in nature.

As you begin your journey, you will pass by Piazzale Sebbie, a convenient parking spot at the starting point of the trail. Be sure to bring enough water and snacks for the hike.

Continuing on, you will come across a beautiful fountain where you can take a break and enjoy the tranquil surroundings. Further along the route, you will encounter a historic monument, adding a touch of cultural interest to your hike.

About 3 kilometers into the hike, you will reach Rifugio Costa Piana, an alpine hut where you can rest and have a meal while taking in the breathtaking mountain views.

Along the way, you will also find a viewpoint named Sebbie, offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Make sure to capture some memorable photos here.

As you make your way back towards the starting point, you will pass by another parking area and an information point named Costapiana, where you can learn more about the area.

This out-and-back trail covers a distance of 6.7 kilometers and features an elevation gain of 695 meters. It is of moderate difficulty due to its length and elevation, so be prepared for a challenging but rewarding hike.

Before embarking on this adventure, make sure to check the weather forecast and dress accordingly. It is also advised to carry a map of the area and a fully charged phone for emergencies. Enjoy your hike to Rifugio Costa Piana!

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