Relief Maps

Hiking : Barmer Hütte

Österreich Tirol Bezirk Lienz St. Jakob in Defereggen

Map of the trail for Barmer Hütte




10.706 km


1205.0 m

This hiking route will take you to the beautiful Barmer Hütte in the Austrian Alps. The trail starts at a parking area near the starting coordinates at an elevation of 1644 meters. From there, you will begin your journey towards the Barmer Hütte, which is a popular alpine hut located about 5 kilometers away.

Along the way, you will pass by the Tiroler Hütte, a restaurant where you can grab a meal or a snack. About 3 kilometers further along the route, you will reach the Riepenscharte saddle, offering stunning views of the surrounding mountains.

The total distance of this out-and-back hike is 10.7 kilometers, with an elevation gain of 1205 meters. The duration of the hike is approximately 4 hours and 7 minutes. This route is of moderate difficulty due to its length and elevation gain, so hikers should come prepared with proper gear, sufficient water, and snacks.

Before embarking on this hike, make sure to check the weather forecast and wear appropriate clothing and footwear. The Barmer Hütte is a great destination to enjoy some local cuisine and take in the breathtaking alpine scenery before heading back to the starting point. Enjoy your hike in this stunning mountainous region of Austria!

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