Relief Maps

Hiking : Cul de Pet

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère

Map of the trail for Cul de Pet




11.097 km


449.0 m

This challenging 11.1 km circular hiking route in the Cul de Pet area offers breathtaking views and a variety of interesting points of interest along the way.

Starting at the parking area, hikers will first encounter a lovely spring about 4.06 km into the hike, providing a refreshing spot to rest and refill water bottles. Continuing on, at around 2.38 km into the hike, you will come across La Gorge des Chèvres, a picturesque must-see spot.

Midway through the hike, at 3.21 km, you will spot a historic wayside cross, providing a glimpse into the region's past. Further along, at 4.18 km, there's another wayside cross to admire.

On this route, hikers will also have the opportunity to learn more about the area at the information points such as Chalets du Merdaret and Pipay, located at 3.85 km and right at the start of the hike respectively. Additionally, don't miss the informative sign at Cul de Pet, around 5.26 km into the hike.

While the trail offers stunning natural beauty and historical intrigue, it is important to note that this hike is considered difficult due to its length of 11.1 km and elevation gain of 449 meters. Remember to bring plenty of water, snacks, and appropriate gear for the journey. Don't forget to check the weather forecast before setting off. Enjoy this rewarding hiking experience in the Cul de Pet area!

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