Relief Maps

Hiking : GR54 - La Garde

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère La Garde

Map of the trail for GR54 - La Garde




3.038 km


67.0 m

The GR54 - La Garde hiking route is located in a stunning area with beautiful views and exciting points of interest along the way. Starting at Le Chatelard parking area, hikers will embark on an out-and-back journey that covers a distance of 3.038 kilometers with an elevation gain of 67 meters. The total duration of the hike is approximately 42 minutes.

As you begin your adventure, you can refill your water bottle at the drinking water point located nearby. Make sure to check out the informative spots such as La Chalière and La Font Du Loup for interesting facts about the area. As you continue on the trail, you'll come across breathtaking viewpoints where you can pause to admire the scenery.

The hike is of moderate difficulty due to its length and elevation gain, so be prepared with proper hiking gear and plenty of water. It's always a good idea to check the weather forecast before setting out on the trail.

Overall, the GR54 - La Garde route offers a rewarding outdoor experience with a mix of nature, history, and stunning views. So lace up your hiking boots and get ready to explore this captivating trail!

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