Relief Maps

Hiking : Täuferwegli - Täuferwegli

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Basel-Stadt Basel

Map of the trail for Täuferwegli - Täuferwegli




2.62 km


0.0 m

Welcome to the Täuferwegli hiking route!

This circular route spans 2.62 kilometers in distance and offers an easy level of difficulty, perfect for hikers of all skill levels. The elevation gain is minimal, ensuring a leisurely trek through the picturesque landscape.

Starting at the Eglisee-Parkplatz, you'll find ample parking facilities nearby to leave your vehicle before embarking on the trail. As you set off, you'll encounter a bicycle parking area and a shelter within the first few hundred meters, providing convenient amenities for trail users.

Around the 1.18-kilometer mark, you'll come across two water features, ideal for refilling your water bottles and taking a moment to rest. Additionally, there are several benches scattered along the trail, offering resting spots with scenic views along the way.

For those interested in local flora and fauna, be sure to visit the nearby farm at the 0.81-kilometer mark, and keep an eye out for informative signage about the region's biodiversity at various points along the route.

As you approach the end of the trail, you'll find more benches and picnic sites to relax and enjoy a well-deserved break before completing the loop.

Before starting your hike, remember to pack plenty of water, snacks, and appropriate gear for the weather conditions. Check the forecast in advance and wear comfortable shoes for the trail terrain.

Experience the beauty of the Täuferwegli hiking route, where nature and tranquility await you at every turn. Happy hiking!

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