Relief Maps

Hiking : Wiese

Deutschland Baden-Württemberg Landkreis Lörrach

Map of the trail for Wiese




2.24 km


0.0 m

This hiking route is located in a picturesque area with beautiful natural surroundings. The trail is a circular route with a total distance of 2.24 kilometers and no elevation gain, making it an easy hike suitable for all skill levels.

As you start your hike, you will come across "Parkplatz Grün 99" parking area, located just 184 meters from the trailhead. Along the way, you will pass by "Teich am TRUZ" pond, situated 178 meters from the trail. About midway through the hike, you will reach "Wiese," a lovely meadow 1.03 kilometers from the start, where you can take a break and enjoy the scenery.

Some points of interest along the trail include "Dreiländergarten" information point (0.79 km from the start) and "Trias" attraction (1.03 km from the start), adding cultural and educational aspects to your hike.

Throughout the trail, you will also find several benches and picnic sites where you can rest and have a snack. These facilities are strategically placed at various distances from the trail, providing hikers with convenient resting spots.

It is recommended to bring an adequate supply of water, especially on hot days, and to check the weather forecast before embarking on the hike. With its easy terrain and interesting points of interest, this circular route offers a pleasant outdoor experience for nature lovers and hikers of all ages.

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