Relief Maps

Hiking : Lavarellahütte

Italia Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Bolzano - Bozen Mareo - Marebbe - Enneberg

Map of the trail for Lavarellahütte




11.471 km


475.0 m

This hiking route will take you to the beautiful area surrounding Lavarellahütte. Starting at an elevation of 1537 meters, you will make your way towards your destination at Lavarellahütte, which sits at an elevation of 2038 meters. The total distance of this out-and-back hike is 11.471 kilometers, with an elevation gain of 475 meters.

Along the way, you will come across various points of interest. Just 5 kilometers from the start, you will find a refreshing water source. Closer to the start, there is also Üćia Pederü - Berggasthaus Pederü - Rifugio Pederü, a restaurant and alpine hut where you can fuel up before continuing on your journey.

As you continue on the trail, you will come across Ücia dles Muntagnoles, another alpine hut just 5 kilometers from the start. Further along, at a distance of 4 kilometers, you will find Ücia Pices Fanes, a restaurant and alpine hut where you can take a break and enjoy a meal.

For those interested in history, there are points of interest such as a wayside cross and a wayside shrine located 4 kilometers from the start. There are also benches along the trail where you can rest and enjoy the surroundings.

It is important to stay hydrated on this hike, so be sure to bring an adequate supply of water. Additionally, check the weather forecast before heading out and dress appropriately for the conditions. This hike is of moderate difficulty due to its length and elevation gain, so make sure to pace yourself and take breaks as needed. Enjoy your hike to Lavarellahütte!

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