Relief Maps

Hiking : Hoperenweiher

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Zürich Bezirk Uster Uster

Map of the trail for Hoperenweiher




1.737 km


0.0 m

This hiking route will take you through a beautiful area near Hoperenweiher. The trail is an out-and-back type, starting at 457 meters elevation and reaching the destination at 462 meters elevation. The total distance of the hike is 1.737 kilometers with no elevation gain.

As you start your journey, you will come across several points of interest along the way. The first landmark you may encounter is "Il Ritrovo", a bar where you can grab a refreshment before starting your hike. Further along the trail, you will find Rest. Löwen, a restaurant where you can enjoy a meal after your hike.

During your hike, there are several drinking water points available, so you can stay hydrated throughout your journey. You will also pass by the Hoperenweiher viewpoint, where you can take in beautiful scenic views of the surrounding area.

As you continue on the trail, you will come across benches where you can take a rest and enjoy the peaceful surroundings. Additionally, there are parking facilities available at the start of the trail and at various points along the route.

For those interested in history, you will encounter the Jean Hotz Denkmal memorial along the way. There are also information points and fountains that provide more insight into the area.

Overall, this hike is relatively easy in terms of difficulty due to its short distance and lack of elevation gain. However, it is always recommended to bring water, wear appropriate footwear, and check the weather forecast before embarking on any hiking adventure. Enjoy your hike to Hoperenweiher!

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