Relief Maps

Hiking : Brèche de Roche Fendue - Sentier du Habert du Ferrouillet

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère

Map of the trail for Brèche de Roche Fendue - Sentier du Habert du Ferrouillet




9.236 km


1021.0 m

This hiking route takes you to the beautiful area of Brèche de Roche Fendue on the Sentier du Habert du Ferrouillet. With a total distance of 9.236 kilometers and an elevation gain of 1021 meters, this challenging hike will reward you with stunning views and significant physical exertion.

Starting at the parking area at the trailhead, you will make your way through the scenic landscape. Along the way, you will encounter various points of interest. At the beginning of the trail, you will pass by Les Trois Laux, a picturesque water feature, and then a fountain located 0.33 kilometers from the start.

As you continue on, you will come across the Monument aux Morts, a historic memorial located just 0.02 kilometers from the start. Further into the hike, you will find Les Ronzières, an information point situated 0.53 kilometers from the beginning, and a drinking water station at 0.09 kilometers from the start.

Midway through the hike, you will reach a viewpoint called Sous la Scia, offering a panoramic view of the surrounding area. This viewpoint is located 4.15 kilometers from the start. Keep an eye out for other points of interest such as the Mallory York memorial (3.35 km from the start) and the Monument aux Morts (0.02 km from the start).

Remember to bring plenty of water, as this is a difficult hike with significant elevation gain. It is also essential to check the weather forecast before embarking on this adventure. Whether you are a seasoned hiker looking for a challenge or a nature enthusiast seeking breathtaking views, the Brèche de Roche Fendue trail is a must-visit destination for outdoor lovers.

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