Relief Maps

Hiking : Impasse le Bosquet

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie

Map of the trail for Impasse le Bosquet




6.097 km


342.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the scenic area of Impasse le Bosquet. The 6.097-kilometer trail offers a moderate level of difficulty with an elevation gain of 342 meters, making it suitable for hikers looking for a bit of a challenge.

As you begin your hike, you will come across "Rendez-vous des Chasseurs," a charming restaurant located just 83 meters from the trail. This is a great spot to grab a quick bite before continuing your journey. Further along the trail, about 0.03 kilometers away, you'll find "La Siesta," another restaurant where you can rest and refuel.

If you're driving to the trailhead, there is parking available at a distance of 0.0 kilometers from the trail, making it convenient for hikers with vehicles. Remember to check the weather forecast before heading out and be sure to carry enough water for the hike.

As you venture deeper into the route, you'll encounter an information point located 2.17 kilometers from the start. This is a good opportunity to learn more about the area's history and wildlife. At the 3.05-kilometer mark, don't miss the "viewpoint" where you can take in breathtaking scenery and capture some stunning photos.

For those looking for a unique dining experience, there is an "American diner" about 0.07 kilometers from the trail. This restaurant is wheelchair accessible and offers a phone number for reservations.

Overall, this out-and-back hiking trail in Impasse le Bosquet promises a rewarding experience for outdoor enthusiasts. Enjoy the picturesque views, explore the local amenities, and make the most of your adventure in this beautiful area.

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