Relief Maps

Hiking : Laghetto del Louson

Italy Aosta Valley

Map of the trail for Laghetto del Louson




11.902 km


966.0 m

This challenging hiking route will take you through the stunning mountainous area surrounding Laghetto del Louson. The trail spans a distance of approximately 11.9 kilometers and includes an elevation gain of 966 meters, making it suitable for experienced hikers seeking a rewarding adventure.

As you begin your hike, you'll pass by several points of interest. Just 0.03 kilometers from the starting point, you'll find convenient parking facilities. Approximately 0.77 kilometers into the hike, you'll encounter a mesmerizing waterfall, adding a touch of natural beauty to your journey. Along the way, you'll also come across Rifugio Vittorio Sella, an alpine hut located 4.66 kilometers from the start, offering a chance to rest and enjoy the mountain views.

Midway through your hike, at around 5.95 kilometers from the start, you'll reach Laghetto del Louson, a picturesque lake where you can pause to take in the tranquil surroundings. Additionally, several dining options, including Bar "La Clicca" and Pizzeria "Lou Talapen," situate near the trail should you need a refuel.

Throughout the hike, ensure you stay hydrated by carrying an ample water supply, especially considering the length and elevation gain of the trail. Additionally, check the weather forecast before embarking on your journey to prepare accordingly.

As this route is an out-and-back trail, you'll retrace your steps to return to the starting point. Be sure to appreciate the scenic views and natural wonders once more on your way back. And remember to respect the environment, leaving no trace behind.

Prepare for a challenging yet rewarding adventure as you explore the beauty of Laghetto del Louson and its surrounding landscapes on this invigorating hike.

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