Relief Maps

Hiking : Chemins de la Mine - Chemins de la Mine

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie

Map of the trail for Chemins de la Mine - Chemins de la Mine




5.789 km


399.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route at Chemins de la Mine in the beautiful area of the French Alps. This moderate difficulty out-and-back trail covers a distance of 5.789 kilometers with an elevation gain of 399 meters, taking approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes to complete.

As you start your journey, you will find a convenient parking area right at the trailhead. Make sure to bring enough water for the hike, as staying hydrated is crucial when tackling elevation changes. The trail begins with a gentle incline, offering picturesque views of the surrounding mountains.

About 2.89 kilometers into the hike, you will come across a stunning waterfall, providing a refreshing spot to rest and take in the natural beauty of the area. This is a great opportunity to take some photos and enjoy a snack before continuing on your adventure.

At around 0.3 kilometers from the start, you will find an information point where you can learn more about the history and geology of the Puits de La Mine. This fascinating site is worth exploring and adds a cultural aspect to your outdoor experience.

Throughout the trail, be mindful of your surroundings and follow the marked path to ensure you stay on course. Check the weather forecast before you go and dress accordingly, as mountain weather can change rapidly.

Overall, this hike is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts looking for a moderate challenge with rewarding sights along the way. Don't forget your camera to capture the breathtaking views and enjoy a memorable day exploring the Chemins de la Mine trail.

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