Relief Maps

Hiking : Sentier de la Crête - Sentier de la Crête - Annecy

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie Annecy

Map of the trail for Sentier de la Crête - Sentier de la Crête - Annecy




0.531 km


0.0 m

Welcome to the Sentier de la Crête hiking route in Annecy! This super easy route offers a delightful experience for nature lovers. Starting off at the parking area, you'll embark on a scenic journey surrounded by stunning viewpoints and natural beauty.

At around 0.01 kilometers from the start, you'll come across the Parc Animalier de la Grande Jeanne, a zoo where you can observe various wildlife species. It's a perfect spot to take a break and enjoy the surroundings.

As you continue along the trail, at approximately 0.14 kilometers from the start, you'll find a picnic site where you can relax and have a snack while taking in the picturesque views.

Further on, at 0.23 kilometers from the start, the Belvédère de la Jeanne awaits with its captivating panorama. This viewpoint offers a breathtaking sight that is not to be missed.

For those interested in climbing, various sectors such as La Grande Jeanne offer opportunities for this activity along the trail. These sectors are located at varying distances from the trail, providing options for climbers of different levels.

As you reach the end of the trail, around 0.27 kilometers from the start, you'll encounter Pas de l'Échelle, a natural saddle that adds a touch of uniqueness to the hike.

Throughout the hike, be sure to stay hydrated and pack enough water. Additionally, checking the weather forecast before setting out is always a good idea to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Overall, with its short distance of 0.531 kilometers and minimal elevation gain, the Sentier de la Crête is a great choice for a leisurely stroll in the midst of nature's splendor. Enjoy your hike and take in the beauty of Annecy's outdoor offerings!

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