Relief Maps

Hiking :

Spain Balearic Islands Ibiza

Map of the trail for




3.516 km


42.0 m

This hiking route takes you through a scenic area with a total distance of 3.516 kilometers and an elevation gain of 42 meters, making it an easy hike suitable for all levels of hikers. Make sure to bring water, snacks, and check the weather forecast before heading out.

Starting at the trailhead, you will pass by a parking area within the first few meters, where you can park your vehicle before starting your adventure. As you continue along the trail, about 450 meters in, you will come across Can Bufí, a restaurant where you can grab a bite to eat or a refreshing drink.

Around 1.3 kilometers into the hike, there is a water source located near the trail, providing a perfect opportunity to refill your water bottle and take a short break. Further along, at about 1.7 kilometers, you will find another water source directly on the trail, making it convenient to stay hydrated throughout your journey.

As you approach the end of the trail, at around 1.71 kilometers, there is another water source slightly off the trail, offering a picturesque spot to rest and enjoy the surroundings. Additionally, at 1.75 kilometers, there is another water source conveniently located on the trail, providing you with ample opportunities to replenish your water supply.

At the turnaround point, about 0.08 kilometers from the start, you will find a shelter where you can take a break and relax before heading back along the same route to the trailhead.

Overall, this out-and-back hiking route offers a leisurely trek with various points of interest along the way, ensuring an enjoyable experience for hikers of all ages.

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