Relief Maps

Hiking : Rue de Lacaunhe

France Occitania Lot

Map of the trail for Rue de Lacaunhe




1.569 km


47.0 m

This hiking route along Rue de Lacaunhe offers a super easy trek through beautiful surroundings. Starting at the parking area, the trail winds its way through lush greenery, providing a peaceful and serene atmosphere for hikers to enjoy.

Along the way, hikers will come across several points of interest. At the beginning of the trail, there is an information point where visitors can learn more about the area. Further along, there are multiple water sources for hikers to refill their bottles and stay hydrated. Additionally, there are various restaurants and pubs nearby for those looking to grab a bite to eat or relax after their hike.

For nature enthusiasts, there is a cave entrance located midway through the trail, adding a touch of adventure to the journey. There are also benches scattered throughout the route, providing spots for hikers to rest and take in the scenic views.

As you approach the endpoint, you will find more information points, a fountain, and a wayside cross, adding some historical and cultural context to the hike.

With a total distance of 1.569 kilometers and an elevation gain of 47 meters, this route is perfect for hikers of all levels. It is recommended to bring plenty of water, wear appropriate footwear, and check the weather forecast before setting out on this picturesque adventure. Whether you're looking for a leisurely stroll or a brief escape into nature, Rue de Lacaunhe offers a delightful hiking experience for all.

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