Relief Maps

Hiking : Brückwald - Forbach

Deutschland Baden-Württemberg Landkreis Rastatt Forbach

Map of the trail for Brückwald - Forbach




3.277 km


181.0 m

Welcome to the Brückwald - Forbach hiking route! This area is known for its stunning natural beauty and rich history, making it a perfect destination for outdoor enthusiasts.

As you start your journey at an elevation of 394 meters, you will follow an out-and-back route that covers a distance of 3.277 kilometers with an elevation gain of 181 meters. The total duration of the hike is approximately 57 minutes.

Along the way, you will come across several points of interest that add to the charm of the hike. Notable features include the Hexenbrunnen (Witch's Fountain), a memorial, Hexenstein (Witch's Stone), Teufel-Stele (Devil's Stele), and Zielsteine (Goal Stones). These landmarks are scattered throughout the route, offering a mix of natural and cultural significance.

For your convenience, there are benches and shelters available at various points, providing opportunities to rest and take in the scenic views. Additionally, boundary stones and artwork can be found along the trail, adding a touch of artistry to the outdoor experience.

As you trek through the Brückwald - Forbach route, be sure to stay hydrated and pack essentials such as water and snacks. Check the weather forecast beforehand and wear appropriate hiking gear for a comfortable and enjoyable hike.

Whether you are a seasoned hiker or a nature enthusiast, this trail offers a mix of challenges and rewards amidst the picturesque landscapes of the area. Explore the hidden gems and historical sites that make this hike a memorable adventure in the heart of nature.

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