Relief Maps

Hiking : Route du Semnoz - Annecy

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie Annecy

Map of the trail for Route du Semnoz - Annecy




0.533 km


0.0 m

The Route du Semnoz in Annecy offers a super easy hiking experience with a distance of approximately 0.533 kilometers and no elevation gain. This circular route takes you through a beautiful area with various points of interest along the way.

Starting your hike, you will come across Le Belvédère campsite, located just 0.06 kilometers from the trail. This campsite offers overnight accommodation with facilities such as a website for more information, a phone number for reservations, and a fee for staying.

Continuing on, at just 0.01 kilometers from the trail, you will find La Tambourne, an information point with details about the area. Further along the route, at 0.14 kilometers from the start, you will encounter Forêt du crèt du Maure, a forest area perfect for a peaceful stroll.

As you make your way through the trail, you will reach various viewpoints and information points such as Gaillard and a memorial dedicated to Ernest Guinier, both located around 0.23 kilometers from the start.

Remember to bring enough water for the hike, especially on hot days, and check the weather forecast before heading out. Parking facilities are available at multiple points along the trail for your convenience.

With its short distance and minimal elevation gain, the Route du Semnoz is perfect for a leisurely walk surrounded by nature and interesting points of interest. Enjoy the beauty of Annecy's countryside on this delightful hiking route.

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